Quality management is a complex task within the organizational process. Needless to say, ensuring comprehensive and effective risk management within the industrial subcontracting sector is undoubtedly a real challenge. Indeed, the latter may prove to be complex at different points, and the slightest fault could lead to a production problem and a failure to fulfil company’s contractual obligations.
Hence, a quality control specialist is mandatory to ensure the quality of industrial subcontracting projects. This team member must have perfect command of the achievement context as well as a thorough understanding of the required skills and performance criteria as indicated in the contract documents. To succeed, he needs to have several key skills, of which the three most important ones are:
1- Understanding of the Technical and Regulatory Requirements:
In order to properly perform the tasks according to the desired requirements, the quality manager must recognize all technical aspects of the project. He must also be able to provide an accurate interpretation of the requirements and procedures described in the project specification and of the turnaround times of each phase of the industrial subcontracting project. Moreover, he needs to carefully review all documentation related to good manufacturing practices and the applicable regulations, especially in the case of an export product, for which quality requirements are becoming increasingly stringent.
That’s not it. He must also ensure that the internal procedures of the company for which the final product is intended are rigorously applied, and that the appendices of such procedures are well-defined, leaving little room to uncertainty, even less to improvisation.
2- Professional Interaction:
The quality manager must own technical and methodological knowledge, yet he also needs to build interpersonal relationships by acting accordingly depending on the people he/she is interacting with, as well as the situations, while being able to listen, to help, to motivate, and to coach the staff in charge of the execution of the various operations. Thus, his role is to maintain a clear and effective communication between employees, while using the appropriate terminology, both orally and in writing. He also has the duty to clearly define the role and responsibility of each team member in order to ensure effective coordination between them, hence, promoting spirit of collaboration and professional growth.
Indeed, work-related stress experienced by workers in the manufacturing sector is high. Yet, it is even intensified in the event of a communication failure. The contribution of the quality manager is therefore very important within the team: a valuable input in terms of providing a fair and precise assessment of all situations as well as making prompt and sound decisions.
3- Samples Analysis and Review of the Inspection Reports:
Based on the guidelines and standardized test protocols, the quality manager must be able to perform physical and / or chemical analyzes (on some projects) in order to ensure the compliance of the product quality with the technical requirements indicated in the project specification. Let’s say, for instance, the quality control related to the welding department is under concern, the person in charge must have specific expertise in welding supervision as well as in drafting quality monitoring and follow-up reports, such as welding reports, manufacturer’s auditing procedures, operating procedures, the detailed analysis, and the final manufacturing report.
Inspection must be performed with care, precision, and above all, great objectivity. Results of the inspection are then verified, processed and compared with the expected ones. Next, the quality manager drafts an inspection report that is meant to be sent to the Director of Operations. The latter performs a thorough review of the current methods of execution in relation to the product specifications, with the aim of ensuring the best possible success for the industrial subcontracting project.
What is the Hyperform Group?
The Hyperform Group is a team specialized in outsourcing services to manufacturers, with a unique offer in Quebec, Canada and worldwide.
Hyperform Group is your best ally to improve the quality of your products and to find new innovative ideas. Please feel free to contact us to discuss your upcoming projects, and score great business deals.
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