Did you know that companies that export have more success than those that don’t? This is a fact that has been proven many times by numerous financial analysts and many economists.

Today we will outline a few of the points that explain the success of SMEs that make the decision to export internationally, more specifically to the United States.

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In the industrial sector, several manufacturers have experienced impressive success. One of the factors of this success is based on the fact of knowing how to surround yourself with the right partners. What are the benefits of choosing an industrial outsourcing cluster?

Below, Denis Dupont, President and founder of Groupe Hyperforme, sheds light on the key factors that influence the success of businesses in choosing an effective industrial outsourcing network.  

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In the manufacturing and industrial sectors, there’s no shortage of resources to move forward! In order to help your company excel at excelling, today we share with you 23 useful resources in the industrial sector.
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The wood transformation sector has experienced a lot of change since the arrival of free trade in the 1990s. However, some companies, like MSCM, have been able to introduce extensive ingenuity and creativity in order to offer their customers competitive solutions. This is why we are proud to have a partner like MSCM in our Groupe Hyperforme cluster. MSCM has discovered how to remain competitive in the wood industry.

Today, Sylvain Côté, MSCM’s president and director of production, explains the methods that enabled him to stay ahead of the competition.


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In the metal processing industry, pieces can be cut in many ways, including laser and plasma cutting, which is a specialty of Groupe Hyperforme‘s partner – EBM Laser. When we achieve the resounding success like that experienced by EBM Laser, we must know how to react efficiently while managing company growth, without having an impact on the quality of the service or the product.

Now the firm is sharing some of the tactics it used in managing growth as an industrial subcontractor in the laser cutting industry.

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In the industrial painting industry, the future looks bright for a talented subcontractor who knows how to stand out. This is where Serie-Act now finds itself, as a Groupe Hyperforme partner with an ingenious proven strategy to accommodate large customers.

How did they reach this goal? Carl Acteau, founder of Serie-Act, sheds light on some of his secrets to success.   

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Waterjet cutting is a unique process that has made its mark in the industrial sector. However, to remain at the top of the market, one must show ingenuity. This is the reason Hydro Coupe opted for company mergers in 2008. 

Now the firm is sharing the three concrete advantages it perceived following the adoption of this process. Track the progress of a firm that made its mark in the industry with its team approach. 

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creativity and ideas manufacture

The plastics and rubber industry offers a world of opportunities. But if we want to take full advantage of its potential, we must use our creativity. It didn’t take Falpaco, a partner of Groupe Hyperforme, long to understand this concept.

Today we’ll share more with you about the vision of an industrial subcontractor who carved out a unique position in the plastics and rubber parts manufacturing sector in Quebec in a bold and creative manner. Read more

Industrial subcontracting offers manufacturing firms the ability to better focus on their core business and take advantage of the expertise of different service providers in order to optimize their performance. However, like any other form of collaboration, it involves bringing together different entities, generally both in terms of their structure and their processes. To ensure a healthy and beneficial collaboration between the ordering client and their service providers, it’s therefore important to be aware of the risks associated with the quality of the subcontracted work, as well as those related to the legal, safety, social, and transportation aspects, among others. In practice, this means, for the ordering client, a clear and precise definition of their quality control policy with regard to subcontracting – a particularly important aspect in the manufacturing industry. This must imperatively take the following elements into account. Read more

To come out ahead in the industrial painting sector, ingenuity is an indispensible asset. You must be creative, keep a close watch on the market, and be unique. This has been Technopaint’s game plan for the past 10 years.

Today, this Groupe Hyperforme partner that is skilled in painting everything from plastic, fibreglass, aluminum, metal and stainless steel, etc. reveals a few of its secrets. Below are 3 elements of its business strategy.

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